Friday, September 23, 2011

IT'S A NEW SEASON!!!!!!!!!

Today, here in the USA, at 5:04am, officially started Autumn!!!!!
It's a new season!!!!
My favorite season!!!!
I just love the colors of the trees, the smell of pumpkin pies and apple cider, the candles are everywhere you go, the wind is so free and deliciously chili. I feel invigorated!!!
But in the midst of all that, I kind of feel do you feel??? Personally, I realize that we are about to enter the 4th trimester of the year, the last one. And most of my expectations have failed. No, I didn't loose the weight that I've promised I would back in December last year, no, I did not have the vacation that I've planned, I didn't go back to school, I wasn't as patient with my kids and my husband as I wanted, I didn't get to do anything planned at all!!!!! It's all lost! And now the year is almost over and Fall is already here.
 Christmas ornaments are being sold everywhere and I'm still looking for something new to come with this new season....anything new would be just extraordinary to me right now. It's really just the same old, same old.

Well, yesterday I caught myself thinking about that. I really hope I'm not the only woman that realizes this. Otherwise I'm up for some Valium!!!! lol
But, think about it girlfriend.... what plans have you made for this year and what have really come true? I'm not saying that I didn't accomplish anything at all. No. In fact, I had a blessed year (so far). But I'm always expecting more! I still have some dreams up in my sleeve.
Maybe you planned for a new boyfriend? a better marriage? new job? new career? new house? new car? new school?  And the only new thing really happening right now is the changing of seasons, which has being happening for the past 4,000 years, so I don't know if it really qualifies as new. So frustrating!!!!!
As I was thinking about sharing this with you, I set on my couch and right in front of my porch, I could see this beautiful, tall, tree. It's leaves are becoming yellow and preparing for the cold winter ahead. So apparently, this tree has not a very bright future ahead. Things will get worse before they get better. I almost started to cry, when the word of God came to my mind:

I imagined  that this tree would love to bear fruits, to bloom some flowers here and there, but this super tall tree, only has three stages: green leaves, yellow leaves and no leaves. Over and over, month after month, year after year. How boring!!!! However, I've never heard the tree complaining, ( please do something if I ever share that I'm hearing the tree complaining )  the tree is standing tall, with all of it's beauty, going through it's season and why am I questioning?
Dear friend,
If like me, today, you're feeling overwhelmed by the dreams, wishes, hopes, desires that are not happening right now in your life, your heart is full of frustrations or expectations, I just want to remind you that God makes all things new. Somehow, He will make a way. Keep dreaming! Don't loose your hope. Keep your Faith!!!! Be encouraged! You're NOT forgotten! The tree in my backyard is standing tall. God sends the sun, the rain and if He cares for a tree, how much more He cares for you??? He cares so much that He sent His son to die for you. To forgive  and give you eternal life, to give you hope.
You are loved my dear friend!!! You're special! And your dreams and desires are just as special to God.
For now, enjoy this new season! Lit up some candles in your house, bake some cookies or pies, or both!!! Go outside and take a deep breath.
Enjoy the new season in your
The best is yet to come!!!!!



Saturday, September 10, 2011


I've had a very difficult time these past 24hrs. I had to stay in the hospital with my son. He was having an EEG. We needed to check  and try to find out why he's been having migraines and seizures.
It's so sad and hard to see your baby suffering. It's the worse feeling we can have.
My husband and I have been praying for him and we know that God is in control.
This morning, the doctor came to give some information regarding the test and about my son's future treatment.
He thinks that he has some kind of epilepsy, something on his brain waves is causing him to have seizures.
As he was describing what he thinks, how he's gonna spend the weekend working on a report for the neurologist, how treatment could be, etc.... I was robbed! Right there! In the hospital!!!!
The devil came and robbed my joy and my peace. He stole it!!! Suddenly I became very sad, worried, I felt like a truck had hit me and I felt like starting crying right there.
I was so sad.
As we are preparing to be discharged, all these thoughts came to my mind. What's gonna happen now? How many more doctors am I gonna have to take him to? How much medicine is going to have to take? Is this forever? What am I gonna do?
I than called my husband to come and pick us up and there is something about being with my husband...I looked at him and as I entered the car, I broke down in tears.
The kids were asking "Mom, what's going on? Mom? Are you OK?" I just replied "I'll be fine, I got hurt". And I cried my eyes out.
The devil was so happy about it! He did it!!!!! He was able to shake me up!! Hooray!
How many times he does that to you and me? He never gives up!
As I started to think over everything that had happened this day, the Holy Spirit of God, sweet and sensitive, my best friend, came to me. And He filled me with peace.
 I felt His presence, I felt on my knees and started to sing:
 " Faithful God
You hold my life secure
All my days are Yours.
I believe,
My God is like a fire defending me
The Bible says that:
"The joy off the Lord is my strength"!!!!(Nehemiah 8:10)
And it is!!!!!! I started to praise Him for
"We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28
I declared His Word that say:
 "If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" Romans 28:32
So I told the Devil to SHUT UP!!!!  For the Lord gave me back my joy, my peace and my strength!!!
I know we'll have a long road ahead of us. But the devil will no longer steal nothing for me!!!!
And that's my message for today!
I wish I had something nice to tell you. Like I've won a million dollars! Or maybe some kind of prosperity word for you! But this is life! Today we are fine! Tomorrow is unexpected!
One thing is for sure!!!!!
"In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,  neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " Romans 28:37-39.
I hope this will encourage you today!!!!
I'll leave you my worship song of today. He is faithful!!!

Now I'm just gonna enjoy my family. Thanks for all the encouraging messages.
 Welcome new followers!!! I feel blessed that you take time to read my thoughts....
And remember: 
Go ahead and have a cookie!!!!!
Lots of love! The peaceful again,


Thursday, September 8, 2011


This morning I woke up determined to clean my kitchen. I had to sweep the floor, mop it, clean the balcony and cabinets, all the drill that you girls know about it.
So after I sent the kids to the bus stop, I started my "project of the day".
I started by cleaning and polishing my 6 wooden chairs. Moved them around so I could have more space to clean under the table. Started sweeping here and there...when something clicked in my mind: "Hum, I haven't cleaned the back of my fridge in a while..."
OK...I confess!!! It has been YEARS since the last time that I've cleaned behind my fridge!!!!
I'm guilty as charged!!!!
Suddenly all these thoughts came to my mind.... how gross it must be there now! I had an intruder a couple months ago. A mouse...yuck!! What am I gonna find there???
I had only 1 option: movie the fridge and find out!!!!
I was gonna take a picture to share with you girls but I've decided that in this life, there are things that we should only keep to ourselves. And that's what I did! No pictures!
But just to give you an idea, and I hope nobody is going to throw up, there was a huge, I mean, ginormous cobwebs. All over the place! hanging in there...enjoying all the freedom to multiply...
Of course there was some mouse droppings. I almost died when I saw that. ( I told you it was nasty. Aren't you glad I didn't take any pictures?? ). There was also some fridge magnets, some rubber bands, a big plastic Christmas Candy Cane and a little card from my mother in law to my husband.
As I kneel to clean, the Spirit of God started ministering to me.And that's what I want to share with you today.
People say that our kitchen is The Heart of the Home. There we find water to quench our thirst. We find food to feed and to give us comfort  ( some of us get to much comfort from food... but that's another story...hahaha). We share moments together as family, we laugh, we cry. It really all happens in a kitchen.
And our Heart is REALLY the Heart of ourselves. We keep all those great feelings deep inside our heart. There we keep our joys, our victories, the people that we love, our dreams, our desires.
However, many, many times, we hide, in a secret compartment, maybe behind our "fridge", some dust, some dirt, some bitterness, some hate, some sadness, some regrets, some low self esteem or dead dreams, wishes that never came true.
So today, dear friend, is officially CLEAN YOUR HEART DAY!!!
Go ahead! Drag your heart around, move from here to there, shake it a little bit.
And clean!!!!! Clean it up!!!! Let all of these feelings out of there!!!
It's no easy task, I know! You might have to bend a little, or kneel. You'll cry for sure!!!
But you know...the Bible says that "The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." ( Psalm 51:10)
Stop a little today. Pray. Ask God to come and help you clean your heart! That not even a little "mouse dropping" or cobweb may stay there. Ask Him to come and wash it clean. Completely. From inside-out.

I'll be praying for you tonight. I know that God will help you with this task.
He's just waiting for you to call upon Him.
Later, share with us, if you feel like, how was your "cleaning day".
Don't forget to become a follower of this blog.

I'll talk to you later!

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Welcome to Sugar-Lemons!!!!

I've always wanted to have a blog. I've even posted a question on Facebook a while ago asking what should my blog be about. My friends gave me many different topics and subjects. But as I started to look around, to hear people, specially women around me, I've noticed the need for a more direct and specific blog. One that would not only bring fun facts but also talk about real life, real issues that every single day we have as women. Not only married women. Not only mothers. But single women, single mothers, divorced, almost-divorced, about-to-be-divorced, widows, about-to-be-married. WOMAN! WOMEN!
So on my first post, I just want to let you know that I'm around and that we all share similar issues. I'll be bringing messages from many different women, preachers, all coming from God's heart to our hearts.
Leave your comments, your messages, your issues, your prayer requests, whatever you feel like leaving. You're not alone!
Are you ready to join me in this journey????

Here's my first Sugar Message to you:
"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
Whatever you're going through right now, is jst a phase, just a step towards the better you and for the best that He has for you. Hang in there girlfriend!

And my first Lemons Message to you:
On His time! Not your time!!!  It'll happen! You have to trust and keep your faith. He WILL fulfill His promisses and complete the work in you! It's sour to wait...but He'll also give you strength.

Welcome to our blog!!!
I hope it'll be a blessing to your life!
I want to hear back from you girls!
Sugar kisses,

Here's a video to bless your day and finish our first post: